Thursday, October 9, 2014

Finishing thought

Because I have no talent, borrowing the thoughts of someone that does.

Portugal's Violante do CEU (1601 - 1693) words:
Divine little Shepherd,
Who slayest with love,
Withhold not thine arrows
From falling in my heart!
But draw thy bow and strike me,
Slay me with love,
That I may no longer wish for life,
Save but to die for thee!
Better in Portuguese:
Pastorzillo divino
Que matas de amor
Ay, tened no flecheis,
No tereis, no,
Que no cabem mas flechas
En mi coracon!
Mas tirad, y flechadme
Matadme d'amor,
Que no quiro mas vida
Que morrir por vos!